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GEMM on Jetson

Bradley Gannon


TL;DR: I wrote a C++ program that demonstrates a general matrix multiply (GEMM) implementation for the Jetson AGX Orin devkit. The gemm program uses the tensor cores available on that platform and allows for arbitrary use of the supported input and output types (except sub-byte types). There are no external software dependencies aside from CUDA. The performance is at least 2x worse than cuBLAS, but the code may be useful as a reference.

Purpose and Structure

This post is a literate program. That means that this file contains a complete program within it, along with explanatory natural language throughout. All you need to do to get the source code is extract the lines in all the code blocks and concatenate them. To run the code, clone the repo and run make. You need nvcc, CUDA, and Python. The compiled binary will be in the repo root and is called gemm. To play with other input and output types, matrix dimensions, transposition, and other parameters, change the #defines and constants in the code according to the descriptions below.

I wrote this code as a part of Rinthy AI, which is a trio of friends interested in playing with machine learning tech on our own hardware. We split the cost of a Jetson AGX Orin development kit, and this program is meant to run exclusively on that platform—although it may run on others with little or no modification. The program runs a single general matrix multiply (GEMM) operation with user-specified dimensions and other parameters. It works as an example of how to interact with the tensor cores on the the devkit’s platform at a lower level than typical libraries.


Definition of GEMM

GEMM stands for general matrix multiply. It is one of the Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) and takes the form

𝐂α𝐀𝐁+β𝐂\mathbf{C} \leftarrow \alpha\mathbf{A}\mathbf{B} + \beta\mathbf{C}

where 𝐀\mathbf{A}, 𝐁\mathbf{B}, and 𝐂\mathbf{C} are real matrices and α\alpha and β\beta are real scalars. 𝐀\mathbf{A} and/or 𝐁\mathbf{B} may be transposed at the user’s option.

Note that 𝐂\mathbf{C} appears on both sides of the assignment operator. This means that 𝐂\mathbf{C} is an input and the output. We have to be careful not to overwrite the initial values in 𝐂\mathbf{C} until after we’re done with them. In practice, to avoid intermediate allocations we have to compute β𝐂\beta\mathbf{C} first and then accumulate the results of α𝐀𝐁\alpha\mathbf{A}\mathbf{B} into 𝐂\mathbf{C} second.

I chose GEMM as the goal for this program because of its usefulness in machine learning. Developing skills with handwritten CUDA kernels that use tensor cores may be useful for future projects.


The first thing we have to do is pull in some dependencies. cassert, chrono, iostream, and stdlib.h are all for basic I/O, timing, and other stuff related to the test harness rather than the kernel itself. We need cuda.h for any CUDA stuff to work at all, and we also need cuda_bf16.h so we can use the bfloat16 type, which is a variant of half-precision floating point. mma.h contains everything we need to interact with the tensor cores and stands for “matrix multiply accumulate”.

#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_bf16.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <mma.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;


Here we define our inputs and outputs. The tensor cores are modelled as special coprocessing units that perform the operations 𝐃=𝐀𝐁+𝐂\mathbf{D} = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{B} + \mathbf{C} or 𝐂=𝐀𝐁+𝐂\mathbf{C} = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{B} + \mathbf{C}. Note that these are matrices, not elements. The tensor cores only support a fixed set of input and output types, where 𝐀\mathbf{A} and 𝐁\mathbf{B} are considered inputs and 𝐂\mathbf{C} and 𝐃\mathbf{D} are outputs (or “accumulators”). To choose a particular input/output type pair, we #define a corresponding identifier. The supported type pairs and their corresponding identifiers are listed in the table below,1 which I have copied from here.

Input Output #define
half float F16_IN_F32_OUT
half half F16_IN_OUT
unsigned char int U8_IN_I32_OUT
signed char int I8_IN_I32_OUT
nv_bfloat16 float BF16_IN_F32_OUT
tf32 float TF32_IN_F32_OUT
double double F64_IN_OUT

Below we select the type pair that takes signed 8-bit integers as input and accumulates into signed 32-bit integers on the output. You can select a different type pair by replacing the #define.

#define I8_IN_I32_OUT

Each type pair also supports a fixed set of matrix dimensions. In the kernel, it will be up to us to load these “tiles” in the correct order by indexing into the given arrays.2 The supported tile dimensions are listed in the table linked above, and their mapping to #defines is shown in the table below.

WMMA Dimensions (m-n-k) #define
16 × 16 × 16 MNK_16x16x16
32 × 8 × 16 MNK_32x8x16
8 × 32 × 16 MNK_8x32x16
16 × 16 × 8 MNK_16x16x8
8 × 8 × 4 MNK_8x8x4

In general, types that are smaller in memory allow for larger tiles. By default, we select square tiles of 256 elements. Note that in the MNK notation as given by Nvidia, the 𝐀\mathbf{A} tile has dimensions M×KM \times K, the 𝐁\mathbf{B} tile has dimensions K×NK \times N, and the 𝐂\mathbf{C} tile has dimensions M×NM \times N.

#define MNK_16x16x16

We’ll need the MNK values as individual constants later, so we’ll use preprocessor logic to define them now. For brevity, I’ve hidden most of the logic.3

#if defined(MNK_16x16x16)
    const unsigned long WMMA_M =  16;
    const unsigned long WMMA_N =  16;
    const unsigned long WMMA_K =  16;
Click to show/hide MNK constant logic
#elif defined(MNK_32x8x16)
    const unsigned long WMMA_M =  32;
    const unsigned long WMMA_N =   8;
    const unsigned long WMMA_K =  16;
#elif defined(MNK_8x32x16)
    const unsigned long WMMA_M =   8;
    const unsigned long WMMA_N =  32;
    const unsigned long WMMA_K =  16;
#elif defined(MNK_16x16x8)
    const unsigned long WMMA_M =  16;
    const unsigned long WMMA_N =  16;
    const unsigned long WMMA_K =   8;
#elif defined(MNK_8x8x4)
    const unsigned long WMMA_M =   8;
    const unsigned long WMMA_N =   8;
    const unsigned long WMMA_K =   4;
    #error "No MNK setting selected"

Now we define the actual input and output types for our selected type pair using typedef. In all future code, we’ll use INPUT_ELEMENT and OUTPUT_ELEMENT to refer to the generic types defined here. Later we’ll also optionally check whether or not the kernel gave the correct answer, but we need to allow some tolerance in certain cases due to floating-point rounding error. VERIFY_TOLERANCE will be the maximum allowable difference between the accepted answer for any output element and the computed result. For our selected type pair, we’re only dealing with integers, so the answer should be exact.

Also, it’s possible to #define a type pair and MNK setting that aren’t supported together, so we check for that using the data from the linked table. I’ve pulled out the case for our chosen type pair and hidden the rest, since they’re not that interesting.

#if defined(I8_IN_I32_OUT)
    #define VERIFY_TOLERANCE 0
    typedef signed char      INPUT_ELEMENT;
    typedef int              OUTPUT_ELEMENT;
    #if !defined(MNK_16x16x16) && !defined(MNK_32x8x16) && !defined(MNK_8x32x16)
        #error "Selected WMMA dimensions are not supported for I8_IN_I32_OUT"
Click to show/hide other type definitions and tile dimensions checks
#elif defined(F16_IN_F32_OUT)
    #define VERIFY_TOLERANCE 5
    typedef half             INPUT_ELEMENT;
    typedef float            OUTPUT_ELEMENT;
    #if !defined(MNK_16x16x16) && !defined(MNK_32x8x16) && !defined(MNK_8x32x16)
        #error "Selected WMMA dimensions are not supported for F16_IN_F32_OUT"
#elif defined(F16_IN_OUT)
    #define VERIFY_TOLERANCE 50
    typedef half             INPUT_ELEMENT;
    typedef half             OUTPUT_ELEMENT;
    #if !defined(MNK_16x16x16) && !defined(MNK_32x8x16) && !defined(MNK_8x32x16)
        #error "Selected WMMA dimensions are not supported for F16_IN_OUT"
#elif defined(U8_IN_I32_OUT)
    #define VERIFY_TOLERANCE 0
    typedef unsigned char    INPUT_ELEMENT;
    typedef int              OUTPUT_ELEMENT;
    #if !defined(MNK_16x16x16) && !defined(MNK_32x8x16) && !defined(MNK_8x32x16)
        #error "Selected WMMA dimensions are not supported for U8_IN_I32_OUT"
#elif defined(BF16_IN_F32_OUT)
    #define VERIFY_TOLERANCE 10
    typedef nv_bfloat16      INPUT_ELEMENT;
    typedef float            OUTPUT_ELEMENT;
    #if !defined(MNK_16x16x16) && !defined(MNK_32x8x16) && !defined(MNK_8x32x16)
        #error "Selected WMMA dimensions are not supported for BF16_IN_F32_OUT"
#elif defined(TF32_IN_F32_OUT)
    #define VERIFY_TOLERANCE 5
    typedef float            INPUT_ELEMENT;
    typedef float            OUTPUT_ELEMENT;
    #if !defined(MNK_16x16x8)
        #error "Selected WMMA dimensions are not supported for TF32_IN_F32_OUT"
#elif defined(F64_IN_OUT)
    #define VERIFY_TOLERANCE 0.005
    typedef double           INPUT_ELEMENT;
    typedef double           OUTPUT_ELEMENT;
    #ifndef MNK_8x8x4
        #error "Selected WMMA dimensions are not supported for F64_IN_OUT"
    #error "No input/output type selected"

The definition of GEMM allows the user to transpose 𝐀\mathbf{A} and/or 𝐁\mathbf{B}. These #defines encode that information. I originally made these runtime constants, but the code to make it work was hard to follow. It made more sense to make them compile-time options instead. In an actual application, this approach might be reasonable because the particular layout of matmuls for a given model or workload might be known at compile time.

#define TRANSPOSE_A false
#define TRANSPOSE_B false

All matrices in this program are stored as contiguous arrays in row-major order. This means that the dimension information is stored separately from the data itself, and it’s on us to index into the array properly. For convenience, let’s #define a macro that takes our desired 2D indices and does the indexing math for us. This makes the code easier to read. We also have to pass y_max, which is the number of elements to skip forward in order to increment y by 1. For row-major matrices, y_max is equal to the number of columns in the matrix. However, as we’ll see later, we can play with the inputs to this macro to get efficient in-place transposition.

Note that everything is over-parenthesized because this is a macro, and the arguments are expressions, not values. If y_max is something like a + b, then without parentheses the order of operations might not play out how we’d expect. (This bit me during development.) To ensure that the arguments are evaluated first, we wrap them up in parens.

#define IDX(x, y, y_max) ((x) * (y_max) + (y))

The tensor cores operate on fixed tile sizes. That presents an issue when our input matrices have dimensions that aren’t a multiple of the tile dimensions. This is a variant of the tile quantization problem. We’ll solve it later by padding the inputs with zeros up to the nearest multiples in each dimension. This macro does that rounding up operation for us. Given some input n and desired factor m, this macro checks whether n is divisble by m. If it is, then there’s nothing to do, so we resolve to n. Otherwise, we use integer division to get the next lowest multiple of m, add 1, and then multiply back up by m. As above, we parenthesize everything.

#define RND_UP_MULT(n, m) ((n) % (m) == 0) ? (n) : (((n) / (m) + 1) * (m))


This is the control panel of the program. Aside from the #defines above, these constants encode everything about the inputs to the GEMM operation. Our kernel will take some of these values as arguments in order to properly separate it from the rest of the program, but for this purpose it makes sense to set the values statically.

DO_CPU_VERIFY enables a correctness check. In the appendix you’ll find a simple (and slow) CPU implementation of the GEMM operation. When this constant is true, we feed the original inputs to this checking function and compare its results to the kernel. On the Jetson devkit, square matrices with dimension 1000 take about one second to evaluate on the CPU, so beyond that I turn it off.

DEBUG_OUTPUT causes the program to print the contents of the input and output matrices. This is useful for debugging but only makes sense for small matrices.

const bool          DO_CPU_VERIFY    = false;
const bool          DEBUG_OUTPUT     = false;

Here we’ll define the values of α\alpha and β\beta. Different type pairs need different literals, so we use preprocessor logic to make that happen. Note that the base case covers all floating point type pairs, but for those types with low precision, the given literals are usually not representable. The compiler seems to gracefully handle this by adjusting the actual values to the nearest representable one.

#if defined(U8_IN_I32_OUT)
    const INPUT_ELEMENT ALPHA        =      2;
    const INPUT_ELEMENT BETA         =      3;
#elif defined(I8_IN_I32_OUT)
    const INPUT_ELEMENT ALPHA        =     -2;
    const INPUT_ELEMENT BETA         =      3;
    const INPUT_ELEMENT ALPHA        = -1.234;
    const INPUT_ELEMENT BETA         =  5.678;

Now we define the sizes of the matrices. Note that matrix multiplication is undefined when the number of columns in the left matrix is not equal to the number of rows in the right matrix. This means that we can only really change three parameters here: the rows of 𝐀\mathbf{A}, the columns of 𝐁\mathbf{B}, and the shared “inner” dimension. Also, the dimensions of 𝐂\mathbf{C} are implied by these values, too. We encode all of these constraints by assigning subsequent constants based on the earlier three literals.

const unsigned long ROWS_A           = 10000;
const unsigned long COLS_A           = 10000;
const unsigned long COLS_B           = 10000;
const unsigned long ROWS_B           = COLS_A;
const unsigned long INNER_DIM        = COLS_A;
const unsigned long ROWS_C           = ROWS_A;
const unsigned long COLS_C           = COLS_B;

Given the dimensions of the matrices, we need to compute the padded dimensions as well. This is to satisfy the quantization problem discussed above. We use the RND_UP_MULT macro to make this easier. The desired multiples are four times the corresponding MNK values. The factor of four is necessary because—as we’ll see below—every thread block is responsible for a square of 16 tiles in the output.

const unsigned long ROWS_A_PADDED    = RND_UP_MULT(ROWS_A, WMMA_M * 4);
const unsigned long COLS_A_PADDED    = RND_UP_MULT(COLS_A, WMMA_K * 4);
const unsigned long COLS_B_PADDED    = RND_UP_MULT(COLS_B, WMMA_N * 4);
const unsigned long ROWS_B_PADDED    = COLS_A_PADDED;
const unsigned long INNER_DIM_PADDED = COLS_A_PADDED;
const unsigned long ROWS_C_PADDED    = ROWS_A_PADDED;
const unsigned long COLS_C_PADDED    = COLS_B_PADDED;

Every kernel must define its block and grid dimensions. First, it’s important to understand that the tensor cores operate at the warp level. That is, all 32 threads in a warp must collaborate to execute any of the functions in the wmma namespace. An easy way to keep track of that is to make the x dimension of the block size equal to the warp size. Thread IDs count along the x dimension first, so this all works out nicely.

Here’s an area where I’m slightly confused. At first, I set the y and z dimensions of the block size to 1, since that seemed like a reasonable guess. When I ran the program through the profiler, it complained about low occupancy. I don’t fully understand occupancy, but it seems like it’s more or less a measure of how well the blocks fit in the streaming multiprocessors (SMs). If occupancy is low, then the kernel isn’t using all of the SM’s resources. I think of this kind of like packing a car. If your bags and boxes are too big, then you can’t fill up all the available volume, but if they’re small then you can pack more efficiently by fitting them together.

Anyway, I played with the y and z dimensions for a while to increase the occupancy, and I landed on 4. It’s almost completely arbitrary and probably not optimal, but it works alright. The net results are that occupancy is increased, which generally increases speed, and each block is now responsible for 16 outputs instead of just one.

We also have to set up the grid dimensions, which need to work out so that there are exactly enough blocks to cover the entire output. This is one of many cases in this kind of programming where careful arithmetic is essential.

const unsigned int  WARP_SIZE        = 32;
const dim3          NUM_THREADS        (WARP_SIZE,4,4);
const dim3          NUM_BLOCKS         (ROWS_C_PADDED / (WMMA_M * NUM_THREADS.y),
                                        COLS_C_PADDED / (WMMA_N * NUM_THREADS.z),

When we run the kernel and measure its execution time, we’ll want to estimate how many operations it ran per second. To do that, we need a credible estimate for the numerator—the number of operations. We’re going to conflate multiplication and addition operations here just to keep things simple, and we’re ignoring the existence of fused multiply-add instructions, too. With those simplifications, we come to the expression below. First, we have to multiply every element of 𝐀\mathbf{A} by a scalar, so that’s M×KM \times K operations. For every element in 𝐂\mathbf{C}, we know that we have to multiply KK pairs of elements. We also have to add them all together, which adds another K1K - 1 operations per element of 𝐂\mathbf{C}. The scalar multiplication by β\beta and the final summation each add another M×NM \times N operations, giving a total of

MK+(K+K1)MN+2MNMK + (K + K - 1)MN + 2MN

I call this value the total number of “effective operations” or “eOPS”. The “e” is there to remind the reader that this value isn’t really a perfect representation of what the kernel is actually doing. It’s more like a measure of how many operations you would have to do if you were doing GEMM the naive way, such as in the CPU verification routine.

const unsigned long long TOTAL_EOPS = (ROWS_A * INNER_DIM)
                                      + (INNER_DIM + INNER_DIM - 1) * (ROWS_C * COLS_C)
                                      + 2 * (ROWS_C * COLS_C);

Forward Declarations

This program has a few utility functions. Their implementation details aren’t important for understanding the GEMM kernel, so you can find the full definitions in the appendix. Still, we have to use forward declaration to tell the compiler what signatures these functions have before we call them.

Click to show/hide forward declarations
void h_gemm(
    unsigned long r_A,
    unsigned long inner,
    unsigned long c_B,
    INPUT_ELEMENT alpha,

bool verify(OUTPUT_ELEMENT* h_solution, OUTPUT_ELEMENT* h_C);

template<typename ELEMENT>
void initMatrix(ELEMENT* mat, int len);

template<typename ELEMENT>
void printMat(ELEMENT* mat, int rows, int cols);


This is the code that actually runs on the GPU. Let’s examine the function signature first. A, B, and C are pointers to arrays, and r_A, inner, and c_B represent their dimensions. Three dimensions are enough here because A and B must have equal numbers of columns and rows, respectively, and C must have r_A rows and c_B columns. alpha and beta are the scalar coefficients.

__global__ void d_gemm(
    unsigned long r_A,
    unsigned long inner,
    unsigned long c_B,
    INPUT_ELEMENT alpha,
) {

Next we set a convenient namespace and assign some useful variables. Most of the stuff we touch in this kernel is in the nvcuda::wmma namespace, so changing the namespace in just this scope improves readability. warp_row and warp_col describe what output tile this warp is responsible for. Recall that tensor core operations need an entire warp to cooperate, and we defined our block and grid dimensions to account for that. These two variables tell us where the top-left corner element is in C. tile_run tells us how many times we need to move along the inner dimension to accumulate all of the contributions from the inputs.

Three squares labelled A, B, and C representing the matrices; two
pairs of parallel lines extend from the left of A and the top of B to meet in
C; the lines in A are labelled warp_row and the lines in B are labelled
warp_col; the horizontal lines are separated by WMMA_M and the vertical lines
are separated by WMMA_N; the inner dimension is labelled with tile_run, and the
tiles in A and B are labelled with WMMA_K for their columns and rows,
Mapping between warp_row/warp_col and the output matrix. Note that these values are just offsets along their corresponding dimensions, so they encode the first row or column covered by the current warp. Together, they uniquely point to the top-left element of the output tile. Each output tile is WMMA_M by WMMA_N elements. I emphasize all this because it’s easy to get confused between tiles and elements.

If this is confusing, it may help to remember that while this implementation does use the tensor cores, it’s still more or less a naive CUDA matmul. We’re still doing dot products over the rows and columns of the inputs. The big difference is that the “elements” of the matmul are now these multi-element tiles. If you’re familiar with element-wise tiling, this is basically the same thing but with different function calls.

    using namespace nvcuda::wmma;
    int warp_row = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y) * WMMA_M;
    int warp_col = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z) * WMMA_N;
    int tile_run = inner / WMMA_K;

The tensor core API requires that we load data into fragments, which are opaque structures that contain some matrix elements to be used in an operation. We have to explicitly declare which kind of matrix a fragment contains in the matmul operation (matrix_a, matrix_b, or accumulator), as well as how big the fragment is, what type the elements are, and how to index the source matrices (row_major or col_major). That last bit gives us a convenient way to accomplish transposition. If the corresponding input matrix is supposed to be transposed, we declare the fragment as col_major, even though the underlying data is in row-major order. The accumulator fragment is not affected by transposition.

We also define an index expression that accounts for the transposition. Note that the x and y arguments to IDX are flipped, and also we refer to an undeclared variable i. When we use this macro in a loop below, the i variable will contain the inner dimension position.

At the top of this block, we also have to optionally change the fragment type when using tf32. The reason is that tf32 seems to act more or less like a passthrough type for float, even though the bits are different. According to the Nvidia docs, you have to pass this alternate type to the fragments in order to get the benefits of tf32 on the tensor cores. I’m not certain I’m doing this right, since the docs also mention __float_to_tf32, which I can’t find anywhere else online, and which I haven’t used in this kernel. In all other cases, the actual input type is sufficient.

    #if defined(TF32_IN_F32_OUT)
        #define FRAGMENT_TYPE precision::tf32
        fragment<matrix_a, WMMA_M, WMMA_N, WMMA_K, FRAGMENT_TYPE, col_major> A_frag;
        #define IDX_A IDX(i * WMMA_K, warp_row, inner)
        fragment<matrix_a, WMMA_M, WMMA_N, WMMA_K, FRAGMENT_TYPE, row_major> A_frag;
        #define IDX_A IDX(warp_row, i * WMMA_K, inner)
        fragment<matrix_b, WMMA_M, WMMA_N, WMMA_K, FRAGMENT_TYPE, col_major> B_frag;
        #define IDX_B IDX(warp_col, i * WMMA_K, c_B)
        fragment<matrix_b, WMMA_M, WMMA_N, WMMA_K, FRAGMENT_TYPE, row_major> B_frag;
        #define IDX_B IDX(i * WMMA_K, warp_col, c_B)
    fragment<accumulator, WMMA_M, WMMA_N, WMMA_K, OUTPUT_ELEMENT> C_frag;

We’ll begin in earnest by loading the output tile into the accumulator fragment and scaling it by beta. load_matrix_sync takes the target fragment, a pointer to the top-left element, the leading dimension (number of columns in C, in this case), and the storage layout. It coordinates all of the threads in the warp to do the load from global memory synchronously. Then, we iterate over each element and scale by beta.4 We do this before the matmul because we’re going to accumulate partial results in C_frag, which would make it impossible to scale just the original values by beta later on.

    load_matrix_sync(C_frag, C + IDX(warp_row, warp_col, c_B), c_B, mem_row_major);
    for (int i = 0; i < C_frag.num_elements; i++) {
        #if defined(F16_IN_F32_OUT)
            C_frag.x[i] *= __half2float(beta);
        #elif defined(BF16_IN_F32_OUT)
            C_frag.x[i] *= __bfloat162float(beta);
            C_frag.x[i] *= beta;

Just like an ordinary matrix multiplication, we walk along the inner dimension, multiplying and accumulating tiles as we go. We also scale the elements in the tile from A by alpha. mma_sync runs the multiply-add operation over the last three arguments and accumulates the result in the first argument. It also supports “in-place” operation, where the first and last arguments are the same. At the end of the outer loop, C_frag contains the correct GEMM outputs for this warp’s tile.

Like the previous diagram, except now the inner dimension is divided
into several tile-sized chunks in A and B, and the current tiles in each matrix
are labelled with IDX_A and IDX_B, respectively
IDX_A and IDX_B are macros, so the preprocessor replaces them with their definitions before compilation. These definitions include the variable i, which is incrementing along the inner dimension in units of WMMA_K. The macros convert this value into the correct offset in the corresponding matrix. Note that the indices are shown as offsets from the left-most column / top row, but actually they’re the offsets to the top-left elements of the current tiles.
    for (int i = 0; i < tile_run; i++) {
        load_matrix_sync(A_frag, A + IDX_A, inner);
        load_matrix_sync(B_frag, B + IDX_B, c_B);
        for (int i = 0; i < A_frag.num_elements; i++) {
            A_frag.x[i] *= alpha;
        mma_sync(C_frag, A_frag, B_frag, C_frag);

Finally, we call another warp-level function to store the values of C_frag into the correct location in C, which is ultimately a store operation into global memory.

    store_matrix_sync(C + IDX(warp_row, warp_col, c_B), C_frag, c_B, mem_row_major);

Main Function

Now we come to the entry point of the program. Everything from here on is more or less just a test harness for the kernel we saw above.

int main() {

Printing Test Information

For convenience in testing, we begin by printing out some information about the GEMM operation we’re about to run. We also check that the dimensions of the blocks and grids match the number of elements in the output matrix. It’s easy to get these wrong because reasoning about all the different loops and dimensions is often difficult. This runtime check catches a decent number of errors in this category.

To allocate memory for our three matrices, we need to know their sizes in bytes. We’ll compute those values now by finding the number of elements for each matrix and then multiplying that value by the number of bytes per element. We also print the dimensions and sizes of the matrices.

It’s useful to know the arithmetic intensity of the computation, which is the ratio of the total number of math operations to the total number of bytes that need to move during the computation. This figure gives some insight into whether or not the computation will be limited by the compute performance or memory bandwidth of the target platform.

The code in this area is somewhat verbose and not at all interesting, so I’ve hidden it.

Click to show/hide test information code
    #if defined(F16_IN_F32_OUT) || defined(F16_IN_OUT)
        printf("ALPHA        : %6f\n", __half2float(ALPHA));
        printf("BETA         : %6f\n\n", __half2float(BETA));
    #elif defined(BF16_IN_F32_OUT)
        printf("ALPHA        : %6f\n", __bfloat162float(ALPHA));
        printf("BETA         : %6f\n\n", __bfloat162float(BETA));
    #elif defined(U8_IN_I32_OUT) || defined(I8_IN_I32_OUT)
        printf("ALPHA        : %6d\n", ALPHA);
        printf("BETA         : %6d\n\n", BETA);
        printf("ALPHA        : %6f\n", ALPHA);
        printf("BETA         : %6f\n\n", BETA);

    printf("TRANSPOSE_A  : %s\n", TRANSPOSE_A ? "true" : "false");
    printf("TRANSPOSE_B  : %s\n\n", TRANSPOSE_B ? "true" : "false");

    printf("WMMA_M       : %3lu\n", WMMA_M);
    printf("WMMA_N       : %3lu\n", WMMA_N);
    printf("WMMA_K       : %3lu\n\n", WMMA_K);

    printf("NUM_BLOCKS   : (%3d, %3d, %3d) = %5d\n",
    printf("NUM_THREADS  : (%3d, %3d, %3d) = %5d\n\n",

    #if defined(F16_IN_OUT)
        printf("Type:        : F16_IN_OUT\n\n");
    #elif defined(F16_IN_F32_OUT)
        printf("Type         : F16_IN_F32_OUT\n\n");
    #elif defined(U8_IN_I32_OUT)
        printf("Type         : U8_IN_I32_OUT\n\n");
    #elif defined(I8_IN_I32_OUT)
        printf("Type         : I8_IN_I32_OUT\n\n");
    #elif defined(BF16_IN_F32_OUT)
        printf("Type         : BF16_IN_F32_OUT\n\n");
    #elif defined(TF32_IN_F32_OUT)
        printf("Type         : TF32_IN_F32_OUT\n\n");
    #elif defined(F64_IN_OUT)
        printf("Type         : F64_IN_OUT\n\n");
    #elif defined(U4_IN_I32_OUT)
        printf("Type         : U4_IN_I32_OUT\n\n");
    #elif defined(S4_IN_I32_OUT)
        printf("Type         : S4_IN_I32_OUT\n\n");
    #elif defined(B1_IN_I32_OUT)
        printf("Type         : B1_IN_I32_OUT\n\n");

    size_t SIZE_A = ROWS_A * COLS_A * sizeof(INPUT_ELEMENT);
        "A original   : %5lu × %5lu, %lu B => %9lu B\n",
        "    padded   : %5lu × %5lu, %lu B => %9lu B\n",
    size_t SIZE_B = ROWS_B * COLS_B * sizeof(INPUT_ELEMENT);
        "B original   : %5lu × %5lu, %lu B => %9lu B\n",
        "    padded   : %5lu × %5lu, %lu B => %9lu B\n",
    size_t SIZE_C = ROWS_C * COLS_C * sizeof(OUTPUT_ELEMENT);
        "C original   : %5lu × %5lu, %lu B => %9lu B\n",
        "    padded   : %5lu × %5lu, %lu B => %9lu B\n\n",
    size_t TOTAL_SIZE = SIZE_A + SIZE_B + SIZE_C;
    printf("Total eOPS   : %13llu\n", TOTAL_EOPS);
    printf("Input size   : %13lu B\n", SIZE_A + SIZE_B);
    printf("Output size  : %13lu B\n", SIZE_C);
        "eOPS per byte: %13f\n\n",
        static_cast<double>(TOTAL_EOPS) / static_cast<double>(TOTAL_SIZE)

Now we’ll set the random seed to a fixed value so we always get the same element values for a given configuration. This eliminates a source of random variation in performance and makes debugging less frustrating.


Host Allocation and Initialization

Now we allocate memory for A, B, and C and initialize them to random values. Note our use of INPUT_ELEMENT and OUTPUT_ELEMENT in the calls to initMatrix, which tells the compiler to generate function implementations for those specific types using the template defined elsewhere.

    initMatrix<INPUT_ELEMENT>(h_A, ROWS_A * COLS_A);
    initMatrix<INPUT_ELEMENT>(h_B, ROWS_B * COLS_B);
    initMatrix<OUTPUT_ELEMENT>(h_C, ROWS_C * COLS_C);

The tensor cores do fast matrix multiplications, but they only operate on inputs and outputs with fixed dimensions (WMMA_M, WMMA_N, and WMMA_K). If our input matrices A and B have dimensions that aren’t multiples of the corresponding tensor core sizes, then we’re going to end up missing the “extra” values that sit outside the last tiles. We can’t just run for an extra tile to get those values because we’d end up reading values from beginnings of the next rows and exceeding the boundaries of the matrices on the last rows. Instead, we need to allocate padded versions of the matrices with dimensions that are a multiple of the tensor core dimensions and fill the unneeded values with zeros so they don’t affect the computation. Then, after the kernel is done running, we’ll need to extract the values we want from the output to get the true result.5

Two matrices, one padded and the other unpadded, with the same access
pattern for the final (lower-right) tile shown
On the left, the program is trying to access the final tile in an unpadded matrix. The green portion is correct, but the red portions are either incorrect or out of bounds. On the right, the program accesses the same position and size in a padded matrix. The gray portions are zero. In the padded version, all loaded data is correct and in bounds. This is also an unintentional example of something approaching Mondrian-style abstract art. (See also the Piet programming language.)

We want the padded matrices to have identical values to the unpadded ones where they’re defined and zeros elsewhere. The logic below accomplishes that for h_A_padded, and I’ve hidden the rest because it’s the same thing with different pointers and iteration boundaries. We also time this operation and print the duration. For size 10,000 square matrices and I8_IN_I32_OUT, this takes about 115 ms on the Jetson’s CPU.

Rather than touch every element individually, this logic uses memcpy to grab an entire row of the unpadded matrix and copy it to the padded version. Then, it fills in zeros in the remaining columns. For any extra rows, separate logic fills one row with zeros and then memcpys those as needed.

    chrono::steady_clock::time_point start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    for (int r = 0; r < ROWS_A; r++) {
            h_A_padded + IDX(r, 0, COLS_A_PADDED),
            h_A + IDX(r, 0, COLS_A),
            COLS_A * sizeof(INPUT_ELEMENT)
        for (int c = COLS_A; c < COLS_A_PADDED; c++) {
            h_A_padded[IDX(r, c, COLS_A_PADDED)] = static_cast<INPUT_ELEMENT>(0);
    for (int c = 0; c < COLS_A_PADDED; c++) {
        h_A_padded[IDX(ROWS_A, c, COLS_A_PADDED)] = 0;
    for (int r = ROWS_A + 1; r < ROWS_A_PADDED; r++) {
            h_A_padded + IDX(r, 0, COLS_A_PADDED),
            h_A_padded + IDX(ROWS_A, 0, COLS_A_PADDED),
            COLS_A_PADDED * sizeof(INPUT_ELEMENT)
Click to show/hide padding logic for other matrices
    for (int r = 0; r < ROWS_B_PADDED; r++) {
            h_B_padded + IDX(r, 0, COLS_B_PADDED),
            h_B + IDX(r, 0, COLS_B),
            COLS_B * sizeof(INPUT_ELEMENT)
        for (int c = COLS_B; c < COLS_B_PADDED; c++) {
            h_B_padded[IDX(r, c, COLS_B_PADDED)] = static_cast<INPUT_ELEMENT>(0);
    for (int c = 0; c < COLS_B_PADDED; c++) {
        h_B_padded[IDX(ROWS_B, c, COLS_B_PADDED)] = 0;
    for (int r = ROWS_B + 1; r < ROWS_B_PADDED; r++) {
            h_B_padded + IDX(r, 0, COLS_B_PADDED),
            h_B_padded + IDX(ROWS_B, 0, COLS_B_PADDED),
            COLS_B_PADDED * sizeof(INPUT_ELEMENT)
    for (int r = 0; r < ROWS_C_PADDED; r++) {
            h_C_padded + IDX(r, 0, COLS_C_PADDED),
            h_C + IDX(r, 0, COLS_C),
            COLS_C * sizeof(OUTPUT_ELEMENT)
        for (int c = COLS_C; c < COLS_C_PADDED; c++) {
            h_C_padded[IDX(r, c, COLS_C_PADDED)] = static_cast<OUTPUT_ELEMENT>(0);
    for (int c = 0; c < COLS_C_PADDED; c++) {
        h_C_padded[IDX(ROWS_C, c, COLS_C_PADDED)] = 0;
    for (int r = ROWS_C + 1; r < ROWS_C_PADDED; r++) {
            h_C_padded + IDX(r, 0, COLS_C_PADDED),
            h_C_padded + IDX(ROWS_C, 0, COLS_C_PADDED),
            COLS_C_PADDED * sizeof(INPUT_ELEMENT)
    chrono::steady_clock::time_point end = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    unsigned long pad_elapsed = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(end - start).count();
    printf("Padding      : %13lu μs\n\n", pad_elapsed);

If we’re going to do CPU verification later, then we need an original copy of the C matrix so we can run GEMM a second time. The GEMM operation modifies C in the general case, so running the kernel changes the values in h_C after copying them back from the GPU. We’ll save a copy of the original values in h_C_orig. We don’t actually need to do this unless DO_CPU_VERIFY is true, but adding the extra logic to handle conditionally allocating and freeing the memory isn’t worth the benefit in my opinion, so we just do it every time.

    memcpy(h_C_orig, h_C, SIZE_C);

If DEBUG_OUTPUT is true, then we’ll print the initial contents of A, B, and C. The printMat function is generic over the element type—just like initMatrix above—and prints the matrix elements in a format that can be easily copied into a Python REPL.

    if (DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
        printf("A = ");
        printMat<INPUT_ELEMENT>(h_A, ROWS_A, COLS_A);
        printf("B = ");
        printMat<INPUT_ELEMENT>(h_B, ROWS_B, COLS_B);
        printf("C = ");
        printMat<OUTPUT_ELEMENT>(h_C, ROWS_C, COLS_C);

Device Allocation and Initialization

The inputs are allocated and initialized on the CPU, but to do the GEMM operation we need to move them to the GPU. CUDA has functions in its API for handling this.

    cudaMalloc(&d_A, SIZE_A_PADDED);
    cudaMalloc(&d_B, SIZE_B_PADDED);
    cudaMalloc(&d_C, SIZE_C_PADDED);

    cudaMemcpy(d_A, h_A_padded, SIZE_A_PADDED, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    cudaMemcpy(d_B, h_B_padded, SIZE_B_PADDED, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    cudaMemcpy(d_C, h_C_padded, SIZE_C_PADDED, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

We’re almost ready. If we were to launch the kernel now, we might accidentally include the device initialization in our speed measurement. We can avoid that by initializing the device explicitly now.

    cudaInitDevice(0, cudaDeviceScheduleAuto, 0);

Kernel Launch and Speed Measurement

We’re finally done setting up. We can launch the kernel and measure the time it takes to execute. We pass NUM_BLOCKS and NUM_THREADS as the launch parameters, and we pass device pointers and other constants as arguments to the kernel. The call to cudaDeviceSynchronize guarantees that the GPU will finish its most recent kernel before advancing to the next line. Normally, CPU execution continues after a kernel launch—which is the point of having a GPU at all—and that’s usually the desired behavior. In this case, we want to block on the kernel’s execution because we’re trying to measure how long it takes to run.

    start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    end = chrono::steady_clock::now();

Now we’ll get the number of microseconds between the start and end of the kernel’s runtime and then report its effective speed.

    long d_elapsed = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(end - start).count();
    double eops = static_cast<double>(TOTAL_EOPS) / (static_cast<double>(d_elapsed) / 1e6);
    printf("Device       : %13lu μs (%11f eTOPS)\n", d_elapsed, eops / 1e12);

To complete the operation—and to optionally check its correctness—we need to copy the result back to the CPU and undo the padding operation we did earlier. This logic is a lot simpler than the initial padding. We’ll also measure and report its duration a little further down. For the case I mentioned above, the total execution time is about 50 ms on the CPU.

    cudaMemcpy(h_C_padded, d_C, SIZE_C_PADDED, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    for (int r = 0; r < ROWS_C; r++) {
            h_C + IDX(r, 0, COLS_C),
            h_C_padded + IDX(r, 0, COLS_C_PADDED),
            COLS_C * sizeof(OUTPUT_ELEMENT)
    end = chrono::steady_clock::now();
    unsigned long extract_elapsed = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(end - start).count();

Checking the Result

If the corresponding constants are enabled, then we’ll print out the matrix contents and/or run the CPU version of GEMM to check our results from the GPU. For comparison, it’s also fun to measure the runtime of the naive CPU implementation to see how much faster the GPU is.

    if (DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
        printf("h_C after device computation:\n");
        printMat<OUTPUT_ELEMENT>(h_C, ROWS_C, COLS_C);
    if (DO_CPU_VERIFY) {
        start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
        h_gemm(h_A, h_B, h_C_orig, ROWS_A, INNER_DIM, COLS_B, ALPHA, BETA);
        end = chrono::steady_clock::now();
        unsigned long h_elapsed = chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>(end - start).count();
            "Host         : %13lu μs (%11f eTOPS)",
            (static_cast<double>(TOTAL_EOPS) / (static_cast<double>(h_elapsed) / 1e6)) / 1e12
        if (DEBUG_OUTPUT) {
            printf("CPU result:\n");
            printMat<OUTPUT_ELEMENT>(h_C_orig, ROWS_C, COLS_C);
        if (verify(h_C_orig, h_C)) {
            printf(" CORRECT\n\n");
        } else {
            printf(" WRONG\n\n");
    } else {
        printf("Host         :       skipped\n\n");
    printf("Extraction   : %13lu μs\n", extract_elapsed);

Cleaning Up

We’ve done what we came here to do. All we really need to do now is return zero, but it doesn’t hurt to deallocate all of the memory we’ve been using. I think the operating system would take care of this for us after the process terminates, but for completeness we might as well do it ourselves.


    return 0;

Remarks on Optimization

I spent a lot of late nights learning about optimization techniques for this kernel and trying to implement them. (It was not healthy.) I became reluctant friends with ncu and Nsight Compute, the profiling tools for CUDA kernels. All I can say for sure after all that work is that I have only begun to understand a small fraction of what’s out there. But, I’m told this is a good sign because it means I’ve left the safety of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

As written, d_gemm does not make optimal use of the resources on the Jetson. In particular, it seems to be memory-bound, which makes sense to me because the kernel is constantly loading tiles from global memory, and adjacent warps are loading the same tiles from A and B. I tried doing a “tiling of tiles” with shared memory, but aside from a lot of headaches with indexing, I didn’t get too far. I never wrote a correct implementation, but once my best attempt started getting close, it became clear that it wasn’t going to be faster.

There is definitely room for improvement, but it’s notable that cuBLAS runs SGEMM (single-precision GEMM) at about 1.7 eTOPS, while this implementation gets about 0.8 eTOPS (~47%) with TF32_IN_F32_OUT. I don’t know if that’s a fair comparison, but it’s probably somewhat reasonable. I’m happy with ready to accept 2x headroom for this project, since it’s nominally about learning (like all my projects).

Notably, transposition seems to make a big difference in performance. When TRANSPOSE_B is true, the performance for I8_IN_I32_OUT increases by about 3x. As with other implementations, I guess this is due to improved coalescing / cache performance when reading B as rows instead of columns. I definitely don’t understand how to make optimal use of this yet.

If I do come back to this in the future to apply optimizations, I’ll probably start by trying to understand what cuBLAS does that’s so much faster. It seems more likely that when I get back around to playing with GPUs again, I’ll want to use my basic CUDA knowledge to work on a different kernel where custom code is valuable, such as fusion of otherwise discrete kernels to save on memory traffic.

Appendix: Utility Functions

These are the definitions of the utility functions that we declared above.

Note that initMatrix and printMat are both templates over a generic ELEMENT. This is necessary because INPUT_ELEMENT and OUTPUT_ELEMENT are usually different, so we would usually need two different function signatures. The template syntax lets us avoid code duplication by specifying the type we want at the call site and telling the compiler to figure out the rest.


void h_gemm(
    unsigned long r_A,
    unsigned long inner,
    unsigned long c_B,
    INPUT_ELEMENT alpha,
) {

This is a naive nested for loop matrix multiplication. There’s no need to be fancy here. In fact, in this case it’s better if everything is a little boring because then it’s easier to prove that it’s correct. High confidence in correctness is useful here because we’re depending on this function to tell us if our kernel code is right.

For every output element, we first scale the existing value by beta. (Recall that in GEMM we accumulate the result into C, which already has arbitrary values in it.) Then, we do a dot product of the corresponding row in A and the corresponding column in B. We have to account for transposition of both inputs, but that can be done easily by swapping the arguments to the IDX macro. Finally, we scale the result by alpha and accumulate it into C.

This function is only called when DO_CPU_VERIFY is true. For large matrices, this takes a long time.

    for (int row = 0; row < r_A; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < c_B; col++) {
            #if defined(F16_IN_F32_OUT)
                C[IDX(row, col, c_B)] *= __half2float(beta);
            #elif defined(BF16_IN_F32_OUT)
                C[IDX(row, col, c_B)] *= __bfloat162float(beta);
                C[IDX(row, col, c_B)] *= beta;
            for (int offset = 0; offset < inner; offset++) {
                #if TRANSPOSE_A
                    a = A[IDX(offset, row, inner)];
                    a = A[IDX(row, offset, inner)];
                #if TRANSPOSE_B
                    b = B[IDX(col, offset, c_B)];
                    b = B[IDX(offset, col, c_B)];
                #if defined(F16_IN_F32_OUT)
                    C[IDX(row, col, c_B)] += __half2float(alpha * a * b);
                #elif defined(BF16_IN_F32_OUT)
                    C[IDX(row, col, c_B)] += __bfloat162float(alpha * a * b);
                    C[IDX(row, col, c_B)] += alpha * a * b;


Given two matrices, check whether the second one (h_C) is equal to the first one (h_solution) within some tolerance. If a mismatch appears, print it out and return false. Otherwise, return true. For integer types, the tolerance is 0, but it’s nonzero for floating point types because of the possibility of accumulated error. We don’t need to know the dimensions of each matrix because this function should only operate on the output matrix C. The dimensions of C are stored in constants ROWS_C and COLS_C, so we use those directly. We need to supply different strings to printf in the mismatch case because different output types require different conversion specifications.

bool verify(OUTPUT_ELEMENT* h_solution, OUTPUT_ELEMENT* h_C) {
    for (int idx = 0; idx < ROWS_C * COLS_C; idx++) {
        #if defined(F16_IN_OUT)
            if (__hgt(__habs(h_C[idx] - h_solution[idx]), VERIFY_TOLERANCE)) {
            if (abs(h_C[idx] - h_solution[idx]) > VERIFY_TOLERANCE) {
                #if defined(U8_IN_I32_OUT) || defined(I8_IN_I32_OUT)
                    "Found output mismatch at (%lu,%lu): device returned %d but solution is %d\n",
                    "Found output mismatch at (%lu,%lu): device returned %f but solution is %f\n",
                idx / COLS_C,
                idx % COLS_C,
                #if defined(F16_IN_OUT)
                #elif defined(BF16_IN_F32_OUT)
            return false;
    return true;


Nothing special here. Just loop over all of the elements in the array and choose a random value for each one. We use the modulo operator to keep the values between 0 and 16. As long as the generic ELEMENT supports casting from int, we’re all good. Note that we don’t need to care about the fact that the input is actually a matrix. Since the elements are stored as a contiguous sequence in memory, the dimensionality doesn’t matter as long as we touch all the elements and don’t overrun. We depend on the caller to give us the right value of len, which should be the product of the dimensions.

template<typename ELEMENT>
void initMatrix(ELEMENT* mat, int len) {
    for (int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
        mat[idx] = static_cast<ELEMENT>(rand() % 16);


Print the contents of the supplied matrix in a way that can be copied and pasted into a Python REPL. This means that the whole matrix and each row must be surrounded by [] and the elements and rows must be separated by a comma. We loop over the rows and colums, emitting characters and elements as necessary to satisfy these requirements. As with verify above, different printf calls are needed depending on the type.

This function is only called when DEBUG_OUTPUT is true. For large matrices, this produces a lot of output.

template<typename ELEMENT>
void printMat(ELEMENT* mat, int rows, int cols) {
    for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
            #if defined(F64_IN_OUT)
                printf("%f,", mat[r * rows + c]);
            #elif defined(U8_IN_I32_OUT)
                printf("%d,", mat[r * rows + c]);
        if (r != rows - 1) {

  1. The tensor cores support additional type pairs where the inputs are less than one byte wide. They are supported on an experimental basis and aren’t that interesting to me, so I didn’t implement them here. Some interesting extra operations are also supported for these types.↩︎

  2. If you’re already familiar with matmul tiling, the tensor cores allow you to do the same thing but faster. In other words, using the tensor cores is more or less like getting a tiled matmul for free.↩︎

  3. It may seem strange that we’re using unsigned long for such small constant values. In fact, you’ll see this throughout the program. The only reason I’ve done this is to make things easier when computing large values, such as the number of eOPS in the overall operation or the number of bytes in an input matrix. If I declared these values as int or similar, I’d have to worry about rollover, but this way I can avoid all that. I don’t know whether or not this affects performance, but I doubt it.↩︎

  4. It’s just occuring to me now that this might not make sense. Each thread in the warp is going to run this for loop, so it seems like the scaling should be done multiple times per element, which isn’t what we want. The kernel’s output matches against h_gemm, so maybe the compiler is smart enough to see what we’re doing and parallelize it across the warp. Or maybe I’m wrong about this being a problem at all.↩︎

  5. It would be better to do this padding in the kernels because the time spent padding would be parallelized. I haven’t bothered to do that here, and I think it requires some nontrivial changes. I’m not sure how to handle the padded tiles if the given device array doesn’t have enough capacity for them.↩︎